Ngô Quyền
Ngày 21 tháng 12 Năm 2021

Family background:

Ngo Quyen was born in Mau Ngo year (898), 5th year of Can Ninh reign, in the local influential family in Duong Lam commune, Son Tay town, Hanoi.

Cha Ngô Quyền là Ngô Mân, châu mục ở châu Đường Lâm, họ Ngô của ông là dòng họ hào trưởng có thế lực, đời đời là quí tộc.

He was the son of Ngo Man, an influential mandarin official in Duong Lam commune, his Ngo surname is a local influential and patrician family.

The victory of Bach Dang:

Ngo Quyen's Bach Dang victory was a brilliant development of Vietnamese military art. In the condition that there was not much difference between our forces and the enemy, Ngo Quyen took advantage of both the weather and terrain, creating strength to strike a big blow to the invaders, winning a decisive victory with an ambush by naval warfare on the river.

King Ngo Quyen and Cổ Loa capital

Spring Ky Hoi (939)

In spring of Kỷ Hợi year (939), Ngô Quyền resigned the post of Tiết độ sứ ( jiedushi - a regional military governor in China), proclaimed the king, appointed Dương Thị as a queen, and located the Imperial City at Cổ Loa.

6 years (939-944)

The King Ngo set up the capital in Cổ Loa for 6 years (939 – 944). In six short years it’s sure that the Ngo’s dynasty still did not construct additionally much anything in Cổ Loa old royal capital.

The archaeologists only found sections of the royal capital to be repaired and embanked at Ngo Quyen’s dynasty on the basis of deserted old royal capital of Thuc An Dương Vương.

With the King Ngo’s setting up the capital in Cổ Loa, Hanoi area was restored as the political central position of the country in early independent renaissance after more than thousand years of the period of domination.